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" Your Guide to Navigating the Law "

Aggravated Felony a Bar Against Lpr Cancellation? It Depends.

A very complicated immigration removal defense case was referred to us. The client was a lawful permanent resident since he was a child. He had a conviction for possession with intent to deliver marijuana and paraphernalia. A few years prior, he had a simple possession of marijuana conviction.

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Foreclosures of Conventional Mortgages May Be at A Standstill but Not so For Reverse Mortgage

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a vast change of scenery for the world. The legal field is not exempt from the pandemic’s impact.

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Philadelphia’s Lead Paint Issue

Lead can be very harmful, especially to young children. The most important step parents can take is to prevent lead exposure before it occurs. Childhood lead poisoning at low levels may make learning difficult, interfere with growth, harm hearing and delay development.

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Understanding DUI Blood Test Refusals in Pennsylvania: Legal Insights and Consequences

When an individual is arrested on suspicion of driving while under the influence of alcohol and/drugs, the arresting officer may ask the individual if he or she will consent to a blood draw.

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